
My Teaching

My aim as a teacher is to help people to move better, to reduce aches and pains, to be happy with the way they look and to leave the class with a smile. As Master Joe used to say "Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness."

I try to change my exercise routines during each session so as to keep up the motivation. I encourage people to believe in themselves. Focusing on practising and connecting their mind with their body, results will come and client progression is my primary goal.

Correcting clients’ alignment, improving core strength and breathing patterns (one of the most important principles from Master Joe Pilates), building stamina and overall strength, is what I try to deliver during my sessions.

"Change happens through movement and movement heals"

Joseph Pilates


The real beauty of Pilates is that it is designed for anyone, no matter what age you are. My client groups vary from young, fit and sports people who are looking to improve their physical strength and stamina to elderly clients who need gentle movement, flexibility work and help with posture, (in fact one of my older clients is 90!).

One of the questions I get asked very often is… Can I lose weight by doing Pilates? Well I am afraid to break the bad news but, Pilates is not cardio work. So in order to see weight loss you will have to add your own "sweat" work by including a bit of running or cycling in your fitness routine. If you combine the two, magic happens!

If you are recovering from injuries I can help you practise any work that your physiotherapist might have given you. We can go through your rehab programme together, especially if you are keen to train on the Reformer machine, as it acts as a support system for your body, adding resistance provided by different spring tensions, without necessarily loading and stressing your joints.

"Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness"

Joseph Pilates

Shape your body

Pilates will help change your body shape by creating a long, leaner and stronger look. It will teach you how to move with ease and grace and, importantly, help cope with stress, by mastering breathing techniques. It will improve your posture and condition the deeper, supporting muscles of your body to improve coordination. You will never feel that your muscles are worked to exhaustion, so there is no straining, just intense concentration.




Ok, but... Where and How?

I am primarily based at the Hurlingham Club in Fulham and in a boutique studio called MyPilates London in Putney High Street, where I mainly teach Reformer Studio work. I also provide 1:1 in clients’ homes, 2:1’s if you are keen on sharing with a friend and Zoom online matwork sessions.

Zoom work: All online Pilates classes will be taught live, either 1:1's or 2:1's, 55 minutes in total. The session can either be for beginners or for more experienced individuals, with dynamic flow, reps and classical matwork exercises and can be with or without equipment (depending on clients’ needs/tastes).

Body Control Certified Teacher The Hurlingham Club 1869 My Pilates London